These are my first pictures of Dot. Two problems here. My camera has issues at the bottom of all the images. This is a fatal problem. This is why I can't shooting professionally with it anymore, why I need to by a new camera.
Second, Dot is very camera shy. I must have taken about 25 shots for her Mixed Breed Dog Club registration and this is the only one she is facing forward. She was turning around and away from the camera. I think she was afraid of the camera. This was a split second that I got this one before she turned away.
She is learning "Sit" and "Stay" and "Wait," which she is picking up quickly. She is getting better around strange dogs and is less growly. We can get closer to the dog before she gets anxious. Definitely much better around strange people. She practically doesn't bark at strange people anymore.
I did more tracks with her and cat food. The last track was with Dino's scent so we can now train using animal scent rather than transitioning her later one.